Is marketing sucking the joy out of your writing life?
Do you wish you could spend more time writing and less time selling? Do you suffer from platform paranoia or social marketing madness? Are you stressed because you can't keep up with the latest marketing gimmicks and perpetual-motion author-entrepreneurs?
Here's good news: Marketing For Writers Who Hate Marketing will show you how to have the kind of writing life you long for by dispelling the marketing myths that weigh you down. You'll learn what works best, what doesn't, and how a few simple strategies are all you need to get the most out of your marketing efforts.
Marketing For Writers Who Hate Marketing will help you prioritize your marketing so you can concentrate on the handful of tools that are most effective, and eliminate the worry that you're never doing enough. It will teach you:
Whether your are self-publishing or working with a traditional publisher –– or both –– you need to know how to market smart. This book will show you how.